Monday, June 16, 2008

2008 Day 1 - Olive

Like a pheonix rising, 7b7n emerges from the ashes of '07 and lands smack at Olive SF in the 'loin. We had a great showing tonight despite it being Monday... see the pics here. Big props to Justin for being the very first 7b7n attendee of '08!

One thing we forgot to mention in the initial post is that the unifying theme of 7b7n '08 is that each bar was chosen because of a superlative associated with it. In other words, each place is the most ____, the best ____ or the first ____... you get the picture. Your job is to fill in the blank by going each night and experiencing whatever mostest is in the offing.

For all you wondering about tonight, well Olive just happens to have San Francisco's Best All-Night Martini Happy Hour!

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